Sep 19, 2007

One more of abstruseness

[It is about that special kind of feeling, which we experience at least once in our lifetime]

“Pure love is sacrifice”.
This is probably the most popular definition of love among others. [Hold on!!! I don’t know about other places, but in India ‘tis quite popular and accepted]. But my mind asks WHY!!!

Virtues and vices equally contribute to this term called love.
Hmmm…virtues…they include trust or faith, determination, SACRIFICE, altruism [for some cases] etc.
Vices are ..Lack of abstinence or we say, gluttony [again, for some cases], envy & how can we forget LUST.
Then why only virtues are to be seen?? Seen a person who has only felt the goody-goody things and never the bad things?? Or why go on others experiences. Can u count on yourself who has only the virtues when it comes to love??

I fail to understand what exactly is love.

Attraction?? I am sure all of us are convinced that this term is NOT love

Longing?? Nope.. longing is longing..right guys!! This is not love.

Faith?? Faith on what?? Yourself?? Or her/him?? Or on the hope that u both will unite someday!

Sacrifice?? “Kuch paane ke liye kuch khona padta hai”. So you’ve been following this??

Lust?? From our childhood we have been given examples that it is not a part of love. But it is; fortunately or unfortunately, only a part.

Is it a mixture of all the above terms?? I guess it is.
And I am sure, for many of us, there are still some important words left out in the above mixture.
And only one term can never define love. Just like if we take only heart or only head, we can never make a living thing out of it..

I really don’t know why I had started this blog and why am I ending up somewhere else.

[abbreviated from Special Note] : this blog is in response to “Kameeni, bas mat likh” by Bhagyashree Wattal.

Sep 15, 2007

The Difference...

there may be innumerable differences to find out, but, to me, the most prominent one was....

when u board a bus in mumbai[the economic capital of our country], the sentence which u'll hear the most of the time is 'pudhe chala' meaning 'move ahead'.

but when u board a bus in delhi, the word which is spoken the maximum number of times is 'rokke' [pronounced as 'rok-kay'] in a very strong 'jaat' hindi accent by the conductor indicating the driver to stop the bus..[which also reveals another difference that unlike delhi bombay is so very systematic in all its operations].....